Zack Snyder's Justice League - Wikiquote (2025)

Zack Snyder's Justice League often referred to as the "Snyder Cut", is the 2021 director's cut of the 2017 American superhero film Justice League. It presents Justice League — the fifth film of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) and based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name — as director Zack Snyder had intended it before he left the production.

Directed by Zack Snyder. Written by Chris Terrio. Story by Zack Snyder, Chris Terrio and Will Beall.

Bruce Wayne / Batman


  • This has nothing to do with Lex Luthor. This has everything to do with him! I made a promise to him, on his grave. I spent a lot of time trying to divide us. I need to bring us together and make this right.
  • My turn.
  • That's just a strategy to lose more slowly, not to win.
  • There are six, not five. There is no "us" without him.
  • Alfred, for once I'm operating strictly on faith. Not on reason.
  • Everyone, this is Alfred; I work for him.
  • [to Martian Manhunter] I guess I'll see you around.

Clark Kent / Superman


  • She loved it here. So did I. So did I...
  • This is home.
  • I'll take that as a "yes". [Lois: What?] The ring.
  • I have a second chance, Lo. I am not gonna waste it.
  • They wanted me back for a reason. I need to find out why.
  • I lost someone I loved once. I shut myself off from... from everyone. But I had to learn to open back up again. The truth is, I'm still working on it. And if you asked to meet me... You're working on it, too.
  • The scent of the enemy. Of absence. Darkness. Death.
  • Hate is useless.

Victor Stone / Cyborg


  • Gifts? What part of this looks like a gift to you?!
  • You should probably move.
  • Let's go find the son of a bitch.
  • I got nothing left. You wanted me to use these gifts, right? [Glances at his cybernetically rebuilt body] That's what I'm gonna do.
  • Flight is its nature.
  • I'm not broken. And I'm not alone!

Arthur Curry / Aquaman


  • Tell him to respect the storm next time.
  • The dead are dead. [...] Life is either "1" or "0" It's "to be or not to be", not both.
  • You two lunatics better know what you're doing.

Barry Allen / The Flash


  • Huh, let's see, as I talk to my father who's still in prison for the murder of my mother which he didn't commit. Yeah, how did I get interested in Criminal Justice? I can't remember.
  • This is a person who looks exactly like me but who is definitely not... me. Somebody, I don't know... Hippie, long hair? Very attractive Jewish boy. He drinks milk, I don't drink milk.
  • Oh, wow, they just-- they really just vanish, huh? Oh. That's rude.
  • Cross this one off the bucket list! "Exhume Superman from the grave." Check.



  • This world is divided. They are a primitive species, unevolved and at war with one another, too separate to be one. Their free will must be ripped from them, like the other worlds. Given absolution in one glorious belief: to serve Him.
  • They will tell me what they know... or I will rip it from them.
  • So begins the end.



  • Alfred Pennyworth: Maybe a man who broods in a cave for a living isn't cut out to be a recruiter, hm?
  • Nuidis Vulko: You can't turn your back on the world forever, Arthur, above, or below.
  • Henry Allen: I want you to make your own future. You're living in the past -- make your own future!
  • Darkseid: I have turned 100,000 worlds to dust looking for Anti-Life, looking for those who robbed me of my glory. I will stride across their bones and bask in the glow of Anti-Life, and all of existence shall be mine.
  • Ship's AI: The future has taken root in the present.
  • Darkseid: Anti-Life is found, DeSaad, and we will stop at nothing to possess it. Ready the armada. We will use the old ways.



Village Leader: [in English] How dare this dog speak to us like children. "Ooh, magical man from the sea." We are poor, not stupid. Get out!
Bruce Wayne: I'm sorry. Can't do that. I'll leave after we've spoken.
Arthur Curry: [walks closer to Bruce Wayne] He said get out.
Bruce Wayne: [in Icelandic] I don't think so.
Arthur Curry: So, let me get this straight. You do it dressed like a bat? Like an actual bat?
Bruce Wayne: Worked for 20 years in Gotham.
Arthur Curry: Oh, that shithole.
Arthur Curry: [while he takes his jacket and sweatshirt off] "Strong man is strongest alone." You ever heard that?
Bruce Wayne: You ever hear of Superman? He died fighting next to me.
Arthur Curry: [throws his sweatshirt to the ground and walks into the water] My point exactly.
[After Wonder Woman saves several school girls, their teacher, and tour guides from the Black Clad's terrorist bomb threat in London]
Schoolgirl: Can I be like you someday?
Wonder Woman: You can be whatever you want to be. [smiles at the young girl]
Steppenwolf: I have come to enlighten you to the Great Darkness! I will bathe in your fear!
Hippolyta: Daughters of Themyscira... show him your fear!
Amazons: We have no fear!
Alfred Pennyworth: Well, it's been some time since Luthor's warning. No attacks. No barbarians at the gate.
Bruce Wayne: Maybe these barbarians don't use a gate. Maybe they're already here.
Nuidis Vulko: Our people suffer-
Arthur Curry: Your people. A brutal, petty, superstitious race.
Nuidis Vulko: Is the Surface any different?
Arthur Curry: Nobody calls me king of the Surface.
Steppenwolf: The Motherboxes will be found and united. No protectors here. No Lanterns. No Kryptonian. This world will fall, like all the others.
DeSaad: [deactivates the hologram] For Darkseid.
Steppenwolf: [determinately] For Darkseid.
Diana Prince: They said the age of heroes would never come again.
Bruce Wayne: [Determinedly] Oh, it will. It has to.
Bruce': I know you have abilities. I just don't know what they are.
Barry: My special skills include, uh, viola, uh, web design, fluent in sign language. Gorilla sign language.
Bruce: [Sees the Flash suit] Silica-based sand quartz fabric. Abrasion resistant. Heat resistant.
Barry: Uh, yeah, I do– competitive ice dancing.
Bruce: It's what they use on the space shuttle to prevent it from burning up on re-entry.
Barry: I do– very competitive ice dancing.
Commissioner Gordon: How many of you are there?
Batman: Not enough.
Cyborg: [to Batman] I heard about you. Didn't think you were real.
Batman: I'm real when it's useful.
Steppenwolf: I bring news. Before mighty Darkseid came to the throne, he searched the universe for the ultimate weapon: The Anti-Life Equation. The key to controlling all life and all will throughout the Multiverse. He found it hidden on a primitive planet, but before he--
DeSaad: [annoyed] The story of the defiance is well-known.
Steppenwolf: [angrily; tired of DeSaad's disrespect] I have found the primitive planet. [slams his axe into the floor] The world that fought back. It is Earth. The Anti-Life Equation is carved into the surface of this very world.
DeSaad: [gasps; intrigued but skeptical] Are you certain?
Steppenwolf: I have seen it. I have looked... with my own eyes.
Victor Stone: Burn down a house, the particles still exist; particles of house become particles of smoke.
Diana Prince: Anybody with a match can turn a house to smoke.
Arthur Curry: But a Motherbox...
Bruce Wayne: Turns smoke back into a house.
Barry Allen: ...I know we're all thinking the same thing right now. Who's gonna say it? I'm not gonna say it.
[Cyborg activates a hologram of Henry Cavill's Superman. He flies off, dramatically, into the clouds as Bruce stares on.]
Lois Lane: Martha, you know... if there's anything you need, I'm here.
Martha Kent: There is something you can do for me, honey. Come back to the living.
Arthur Curry: You know, my father told me there's a saying in Atlantis: 'None are taken back from the darkness, not without-'
Diana Prince: [finishing the quote] '...not without giving up one in return.' We say the same thing.
Arthur Curry: How about that?
[Meanwhile, Barry and Victor are busy digging up Clark Kent's body from his grave.]
Barry Allen: Wonder Woman! [pauses to think] What do you think, man? You think she'd ever go for a younger guy?
Victor Stone: She's 5,000 years old, Barry. Every guy is a younger guy.
Alfred Pennyworth: If you can't bring down the charging bull, then don't wave the red cape at it.
Bruce Wayne: You do when it's this red cape. This red cape charges back.
Lois Lane: You brought us here. You remembered...
Clark Kent: This is home.
Lois Lane: You spoke.
Clark Kent: Did I not, before?
Arthur Curry: [to Bruce] Fighting the devil and his army, in Hell.
Barry Allen: [on Steppenwolf] I mean, this- this guy has probably fought hundreds of thousands of other superbeings on the other planets he's destroyed, right? And we have to assume he's won.
Bruce Wayne: I don't care how many demons he's fought in how many hells... he's never fought us. Not us united.
Arthur Curry: We're asking a kid who just lost his father to go up against the most powerful machines in the universe. It's not fair.
Barry Allen: I thought you didn't care.
Arthur Curry: I never said that.
Bruce Wayne: [on Superman] He'll be here, Alfred. I know it.
Alfred Pennyworth: What makes you so sure?
Bruce Wayne: Faith, Alfred. Faith!
[As Clark exits the scout ship, wearing a black suit with a silver S symbol, the voices of his fathers echo through his head...]
Jor-El: All the hopes and dreams of Krypton live in you now.
Jonathan Kent: I'm so proud of you, son.
Jor-El: Your mother and I loved you.
Jonathan Kent: Your mother and I knew you would change the world.
Jor-El: Your heart was tested...
Jonathan Kent: I know it's been hard, Clark.
Jor-El: ...but you gave hope to their world.
Jonathan Kent: You need to show them who you are.
Jor-El: Love them, Kal. The way we loved you.
Jonathan Kent: Fly, son. It's time.
[Superman arrives at Bruce's Glasshouse, where Alfred is fixing Bruce's Aston Martin DB Mk III]
Superman: I'm assuming you're Alfred.
Alfred Pennyworth: Master Kent. [Superman smirks knowingly] He said you'd come. Now let's hope you're not too late.
Steppenwolf: [preparing to strike Cyborg with his axe] For Darkseid.
[He swings, but out of nowhere, Superman drops down in front of Cyborg, blocking the killing blow]
Superman: Not. Impressed. [Nonchalantly freezes Steppenwolf's axe, then smashes it before push-kicking a bewildered Steppenwolf hundreds of feet away]
[The Flash inhales before he gets into a runner's stance and sprints... directly into the explosion from the Unity]
The Flash: [Realizing he may not survive what he is about to do] Dad... Whatever happens I want you to know... Your kid was one of them, dad! One of the best of the best!
[Amazingly, the outward expansion of the blue light emitting from the Unity explosion begins to shrink in size as The Flash's footprints begin to glow, re-making the decimated ground below him. The Flash has run so fast that time is now going backwards. He reaches a speed in which the destroyed city begins to reform around him, generating lightning that restores light poles, streets, and buildings.]
The Flash: [Accepting his fate and in awe of his ability, repeating his father's last words to him] Make your own future... make your own past! It's all... right... now!
[As the unity explosion continues to retract, the cooling tower and the bridge inside reform, as well as Superman and Steppenwolf, who were obliterated by the blast. The Flash nears Cyborg as the latter also reforms, along with the boxes, and he finally gives Cyborg the needed charge to break into the Unity. The camera pans into Cyborg's robotic eye as he breaks in]
[Cyborg plays Silas's tape on the tape recorder.]
Silas Stone: Now, let me speak to you from my heart, not as a scientist, as a father. [chuckles] Your father twice over. I brought you into the world and back into it. You can't imagine how proud I am of who you are. Have always been. [Cyborg looks at the picture of him, his father, and his mother Elinor Stone, and he chuckles softly] So many years with you I wasted. So many wrongs I've left un-righted. Everything breaks, Victor. Everything changes.
[At Iceland, Arthur Curry bids farewell to Nuidis Vulko and Mera.]
Arthur Curry: I gotta go see my father.
[Arthur Curry goes to the truck as he hops onto the bed truck and the truck engine starts and then the truck drives.]
Silas Stone: The world is hurt. Broken. Unexchangeable.
[At S.T.A.R. Labs, Ryan Choi looks at the Scout Ship 0344.]
Scientist: Ship's all yours now, kid. You're the boss. "Ryan Choi, Director of Nanotechnology." That's your thing.
Ryan Choi: Uh, yep. [sighs] That's my thing.
Silas Stone: But the world's not fixed in the past, only the future. The not yet. The now.
[Bruce Wayne opens the door and he enters an abandoned room with Alfred Pennyworth and Diana Prince.]
Bruce Wayne: Wow. Must be 100,150 feet.
Alfred Pennyworth: Must be.
Bruce Wayne: Uh, big round table. Six chairs, right there.
Diana Prince: But room for more.
Bruce Wayne: But room for more. God help us.
Silas Stone: The now is you.
[Meanwhile, at Central City Prison, Barry Allen places the job application on the glass.]
Henry Allen: What?
Barry Allen: It's actually the worst job you can get in a crime lab. But, uh, my foot's in the door.
Henry Allen: This is like a "job" job?
Barry Allen: "Job" job.
Henry Allen: [laughs softly] Your foot's in the door.
Barry Allen: Isn't that a thing people say?
Henry Allen: Your foot's in the door. Yeah, that's something people say, man. His foot's in the door! [the prisoners cheer] That's my boy right here! Taught him nothing he knows! Yes! [laughs]
Barry Allen: Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. Dad, you're gonna get maced again.
Henry Allen: No stopping you now.
Barry Allen: [chuckles softly] Thanks, Dad.
Silas Stone: Now. Now's your time, Victor, to rise.
[At the Kent farmhouse, the movers bring the furniture back to the house.]
Clark Kent: Thank you is not enough for what you did.
Bruce Wayne: I just undid a mistake, that's all.
[Clark chuckles as he sees Martha Kent and Lois Lane bring appliances to the house and they smile.]
Clark Kent: How'd you get the house back from the bank?
Bruce Wayne: I bought the bank. Congratulations, by the way.
Silas Stone: Do this. Be this. The man I never was. The hero you are. Take your place among the brave ones. The ones that were, that are, that are yet to be.
[At the cemetery in Gotham City, Cyborg looks at the tombstone with a picture of Victor Stone and his parents as he smiles and flies off. At night, Commissioner James Gordon turns on the Bat Signal as Batman looks at it while he stands on his Bat-Tank.]
Silas Stone: It's time you stand, fight, discover, heal, love, win.
[At the shrine of the Amazons, Diana Prince looks at the sea as she takes one look at the arrow of Artemis. At Central City, The Flash runs happily on the street.]
Silas Stone: The time is now.
[At Metropolis, Clark Kent takes off his glasses and unveils his silver suit from his shirt.]
[At Arkham Asylum, Lex Luthor stands inside the room.]
Prison Guard: [pushes the button] Come on, Luthor. Let's go. Luthor! Open up two, Carl, please. [The cell gate opens as he walks to Lex Luthor who still stands in the room] Luthor. All right, stop jerking around, Luthor, or I'm gonna have to come in there.
[The prison guard enters the room as he turns Luthor around but used the bald inmate as a decoy. The bald inmate laughs maniacally and growls as the prison guard realizes that Lex Luthor has escaped from Arkham Asylum and he sounds the alarm. Outside at Arkham Asylum, the sirens blare while the prison guards panic.]
[After Lex Luthor has escaped from Arkham Asylum, Deathstroke arrives on his yacht and walks over to him.]
Lex Luthor: Ah, there he is. Welcome aboard. Care for a glass of Goutte de Diamant? I was just celebrating God's return. Out of the ground and back up into the sky.
Deathstroke: I heard you were a few clowns short of a circus.
Lex Luthor: [chuckles] I was, thank you, until the good doctors at Arkham helped me find some much needed clarity. Now, you volunteered to destroy the Bat free of charge. Why the pro-bono work?
Deathstroke: [takes his helmet off; sighs] It's personal.
Lex Luthor: Ah. Let me guess. An eye for an eye?
Deathstroke: You said you had something I'd want? You better not be wasting my time.
Lex Luthor: Ooh. And endure your wrath, Mr. Wilson? No, I wouldn't think of it. Uh, I have too much to live for and more important things to do. But if you want the Batman, here is something that can help you. His name is Bruce Wayne.
Deathstroke: Hmm. On second thought... [picks up a glass of Goutte de Diamant] we do have something to celebrate.
Lex Luthor: Good boy.
[Bruce is having another Knightmare premonition]
Mera: Who have you ever loved?
[Joker's soft, maniacal laughter interrupts them.]
The Joker: Au contraire, my little fish stick. He knows exactly what it's like to lose someone he loves. You know like, uh, a father? Like a mother?
Batman: Be very careful with the next thing you say.
The Joker: Like an adopted son. Isn't that right, Batman? Maybe, in a way, that smelly old flounder is right. Because how many can die in your arms before you grow numb to death?
Batman: That's not very careful.
The Joker: And how many dead eyes can you look into before you die inside yourself?
Batman: I've been dead inside a long time. But even I have a limit. [angrily] And if you cross that line, I swear to God, I will...
The Joker: Before what, Bruce? Kill me? You won't kill me. I'm your best friend. Besides, who's gonna give you a reach-around? Anyway, you need me. You need me to help you undo this world you created by letting her die. Poor Lois, how she suffered so! I often wonder how many alternate timelines do you destroy the world because frankly, you don't have the cojones to die yourself. Hmm? So as usual, I'll be the bigger man. [holds out a Joker card] A truce, Bruce. As long as you have this card, a truce. But all you have to do is to tear it in half and I'm happy to discuss with you in any way you like, why you sent a Boy Wonder to do a man's job?
Batman: You know, it's funny that you would talk about people who died in my arms. Because when I held Harley Quinn, and she was bleeding and dying, she begged me with her last breath that when I killed you - and make no mistake, I will fucking kill you - that I'd do it slow. I'm gonna honor that promise.
[after a long, tense pause, Batman takes the card]
The Joker: Oh, you're good. You almost had me. [pause, laughs]
[deleted dialogue, after Batman takes the Joker card]
Batman: And maybe this will come in handy.
The Joker: Honor? Really, Bruce? Honor? We live in a society where honor is a distant memory. By the way, who do you think screamed the loudest? The girl? Or the boy? [pause, laughs]
Deathstroke: Still think it was a good idea bringing him along?
[Joker blows raspberry]
Batman: What do you think?
Martian Manhunter: You know, I never thought I'd see the defenders of Earth united and fighting as one. It wouldn't have happened without you, Bruce. Your mother and father would be proud.
Bruce Wayne: I hope so.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League - Wikiquote (2025)


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